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Friday, April 2, 2010

Back to the Bloggin Board

I have not been very good over the past week about blogging and I am sorry. I know an amazing mom/blogger named Rebecca who warned me blogging would consume my life and that is definitely coming true. Even though I may have not been blogging for the past week-I must admit I do feel guilty because I am constantly thinking about it. I also feel like I am "cheating" in a way for not blogging and not staying true to my site. Since we have been home it has been fun being a family again. T cried and cried when she first saw Lauryn. We think this is how she is telling us or that person that she missed them-tremendously. Then once T saw her Nurse Irene- she cried even harder. Probably telling Irene that she truly missed her and all about the rough week she had. I must say, they have quite the bond.
Anyhow- let me catch up by wrapping up last weeks visit at Cincinnatti Childrens.

After OR, we stayed in the PICU room overnight because as you may recall T had an impedence probe placed through her nose into her stomach and that was hooked up to a box and we had to insert data about T through the night. This was to be studied and the results would eventually tell us how strong the acid levels were in her tummy and if her reflux is under control or not. It is now Friday and the doctor who reads this particular study is conveniently on vacation so we still have no results.

After discharge the next morning we headed straight for the Speech Dept. Here Adam sat on a chair with T and gave her a great big bear hug while a doctor inserted another scope through her nose to watch her vocal cord movement via the camera. While this scope was inserted our goal was to get Tacori to swallow food/formula with green food coloring to see if she was aspirating. As you could imagine-she hated it.
After studying the data and pics taken, they did like her coordination of vocal cords and her swallowing functions. They didnt see any aspirating which is good news since that too could be harmful before and after reconstruction. So then we were off to the airport and homebound we headed. Now we sit patiently and wait for the docs to review everything and then wait for our plan. Since we've been home, we have had lots of cuddle time and things are back to norm

1 comment:

  1. So glad everything went well in Cincinnati. We'll be praying for good news from the Doctor in the weeks to come. Sounds like Tacori was a real trooper {as well as her Mama and Daddy} through out all the tests.

    Don't feel bad about not blogging...just do what you can and take it slow {and small}. Little posts with sweet pictures of Tacori and Lauryn are the best!
