As many are aware-our very first trip to Ohio, we felt as if we were given a good sign in our fortune cookie the night before we left. If you remember, it said, "Traveling to the East will bring you great rewards." And today it felt as if we had not one but 2 good signs. One was this lucky Grasshopper which came back into the house not once but twice.
After telling Lauryn the wise tale about these bringing good luck she said, "Wow-thats cool. Maybe T will get her trach out soon so I can get a puppy." And that was the end of that conversation...
But...the story continued...We attempted to go fly some kites later this evening with the Carrions, but the wind wasn't as strong as we initially thought. So we headed back home and decided to make a quick pit stop at Rite Aid. The girls and I stayed in the car since it was cold and dark out while Adam ran in. T began asking, and asking for her "DADA." He returned about 5 min later and she was estatic! On our quick 2 minute drive home, she was babbling (quacking) louder and louder saying Mama, Dada, HIIIIIII! We started discussing on when and if we ever get this trach out she might take off on her verbal skills because she is addimate that she's heard. As we unloaded the car in the garage light, Adam said, OMG! She is sooo loud because her trach is OUT!! I laughed thinking there was nooo way, but sure enough, it was COMPLETELY out. Of course, we scurried inside, panicked and for the life of us couldn't find our other trachs. Then I ran outside and got her suction machine and there were her replacement trachs. At this point her stoma was teeny tiny and it took me a couple of tries before it in.
We are hoping this experience and the grasshopper bring us some good fortune this year. We have two trips planned to Ohio-one in March and one in April;)